Here Is An Example Of 1 Of The 4 Strategies: Across The Bow

I'm going to warn you upfront that "Across the Bow" texts are NOT the only texts you will need to get your ex back. If you have it in your mind that all you'll be using are across the bow texts to get him or her back, you are on the path of failing to get them back already.

Also, you do NOT use across the bow text messages until after the no contact rule. Do NOT skip the no contact rule after a breakup! Getting an ex back is a process, no matter what strategy you use, and if you skip steps, you're doomed for failure.

Across the bow texts are used after the no contact rule to re-open the lines of communication once you've completed the no contact rule. Once again, there is a FULL strategy behind The Text Your Ex Back system.

However, if all you wanted were across the bow text examples, I'll give a few, but I'm going to tell you first what across the bow texts are NOT used for...

Across the bow texts are NOT used to get together for a drink or to “talk things out.”
Are NOT used to fix your relationship with one “magic” message.
Are NOT used to get a booty call (though if you follow the entire system you may get to that point pretty fast).

And before I give you these examples I'm going to tell you what they are used for:

To GENTLY open the door to more communication.
To remind your ex of GOOD TIMES you both shared in your relationship.
To affirm your ex’s feelings in a positive way...called TEXT JUDO!
To create a subtle FRAMEWORK where your ex comes to the conclusion seemingly on his or her own that you should get together and “talk”.

These are just examples and are NOT a one size fits all. You should learn the steps to create text messages that are TAILORED to your ex and his or her personality, in which the Text Your Ex Back system by Michael Fiore teaches you. Here are some across the bow text examples:

1. I just saw Avatar again. Reminded me of the time we went and how excited you were. Put a smile on my face. Hope you're doing great :-).

2. “Just stumbled onto a copy of Eat Pray Love and it made me think of you. Made me smile.”

These are just examples of across the bow texts and how you can use them in achieving a higher chance of success in terms of getting your ex to respond. However, as I warned, across the bow texts are just the beginning. You will need to learn more powerful and effective text strategies to finally re-attract them and win them back. Such are, but not limited to, are these text strategies:

Intimacy Booster Texts
Green Eyed Monster Texts
Emotional Honesty Texts
Texts To Turn Your Ex On

So you see there's more at work here than just using "one" text tactic. This is the same mistake most make when they think the no contact rule is all they need to get an ex back. Like across the bow texts, there's an ENTIRE strategy that needs to be used with the tactic.
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Step 1: Across The Bow

This is where you will first make contact with your ex. Here you will send messages that help to get you and ex talking again. There will be no suggestion of a reconciliation between you and your ex as the main goal is to just get the two of you talking to each other again.
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Step 2: Best Of Relationship

the goal is to send messages that get your former partner to remember the good times in your relationship. You may have gone together on a special trip or it might have been just those daily moments you shared together going for walks, eating out, going to the cinema or staying in watching your favorite TV shows together. happy couples The aim is to make your former partner remember the good times and thus how happy they felt doing those good times. This will also make those feelings he or she used to have for you to resurface, bringing you a step closer to your ultimate goal of winning back your ex.
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Step 3: Intimacy Booster & Green Eyed Monster

Build on the emotional reconnect established in stage 2 and you start to send a set of text messages that evoke positive feelings towards you and also remove any lingering negative emotional thoughts. It is at this point that your ex will begin to have thoughts of a possible reconciliation.
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Step 4: Emotional Honesty

Builds on everything you have done so far and finally enables you to express your true feelings. You will send messages that reveal just how much you still care about them and how you would like to reconcile your relationship and also express your commitment to making things work the second time around.
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Rachael Ray Hears About Texting Back Your Ex

As Michael showed Rachael Ray live on television (after making every woman in the audience gasp and sent shivers down Rachel's spine), the techniques taught in Text Your Ex Back work VERY well. photo rr_zpsc7068e04.jpg
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